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CFA® Exam
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The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®) is a prestigious
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A Learning Management System (LMS) used by BINUS Business School Executive Education to manage and deliver online training courses to their employees or students. Some of the main features of EXTRA include course creation and management, user management, content creation and distribution, progress tracking and reporting, and assessments.

You can interact with the instructor or lecturer through various communication channels provided by the LMS platform, such as messaging, chat, discussion forums, email, or video conferencing. You can also submit questions, assignments, or assessments for feedback.

You can collaborate with other online learners in the LMS through various collaboration tools provided by the platform, such as discussion forums, group projects, peer reviews, or social media integration. These tools are designed to foster communication, collaboration, and community building among online learners.

You can provide feedback or evaluation about your learning experience in the LMS through various feedback mechanisms provided by the platform, such as surveys, feedback forms, or rating systems. You may also have the opportunity to provide feedback directly to the instructor or program administrators. Your feedback can help improve the quality of the platform and the learning experience for future users.

You can track your progress in a course or training program through the LMS platform's (EXTRA) progress tracking feature, which shows your completion status, grades, feedback, and other performance metrics. You may also receive periodic reports or notifications from the platform or instructor, or you can contact our operation support team.

EXTRA Features


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Activity Completion

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Collaboration Messages

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Our Testimonial

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Pengajar Binus Executive Education adalah pengajar yang kompeten dan berpengalaman.
Vita Meilani Procurement Head - PT Astra Credit Company
Materi persiapan CFA Exam mengikuti standar, saya juga mendapat banyak ilmu baru.
Joko Purnomo Raharjo Pelaksana Direktorat TPB - Direktorat Jenderal Pajak
Hal yang paling berkesan bagi saya adalah ilmu-ilmu sekelas Harvard Business School serta simulasi Balance Scorecard-nya.
Tanto Widono Manager - Astra Honda Motor